logwatch on my Mac(s)

I have been running logwatch (installed via MacPorts) on my home Macs for at least a year.

logwatch --mailto root

Very recently my daily reports stopped showing up in my mail. I never like to see (not see) this happen.

Different versions of OS X.

Running things manually seems to work, but nightly job fails to send the mail report.

Chase things on the web, not much help, well, lots of false alarms. I finally saw a hint to turn off Apple’s org.postfix.master. I did that and voila, my logwatch mail started flowing again.

Who Knew?

Subscriptions in Safari

While fooling around with the sidebar “mentions” tab I found the subscription button. Click that, hmm, looks like I can add my favorite sites back to a reading list. I think I like this.

Make a change to see if the sidebar updates.

How NYC's Newest Neighborhood Will Float Above an Active Train Yard

In Manhattan this spring, crews are ramping up work on Hudson Yards, the largest private development in US history. But what’s fascinating about this new mega-development aren’t just its buildings. It’s the fact that they will float above an existing train depot on a massive artificial foundation. We got an early look at how it’s being built.

via How NYC’s Newest Neighborhood Will Float Above an Active Train Yard.

Fascinating. The construction simulations are fantastic.

Meet The New Boss, Worse Than The Old Boss?

In the last few years it’s become apparent the music business, which was once dominated by six large and powerful music conglomerates, MTV, Clear Channel and a handful of other companies, is now dominated by a smaller set of larger even more powerful tech conglomerates.  And their hold on the business seems to be getting stronger.

via Meet The New Boss, Worse Than The Old Boss? -Full Post | The Trichordist.

Very long, but if you are interested in “publishing” music worth the read. I wonder how much different the book publishing game might be?